Forget The Kim K Part: The New 'Vogue' Cover Teaches Us About The Power Of Persistence

Nine times out of ten, the consumer reaction upon seeing Kanye West and Kim Kardashian cuddled in bridal wear on the cover of Vogue (aside from awww, eye rolls or sucking of teeth) was, "FINALLY!"

For a steady couple years, one of the ongoing jokes of the internet was when the stoic Anna Wintour would honor Kanye's request to put the mother of his child on the cover of American Vogue. It was the stuff of comedy because nobody expected that day to come. No one expected the revered Artistic Director of one of the biggest media companies to honor the seemingly trivial request. To "cave." But she did, and for the month of April we will be staring KimYe in the face every time we run to our local CVS for a toiletry run.

The tweets collected under the cumbersome #WorldsMostTalkedAboutCouple hashtag have echoed everything from disappointment in Ms. Wintour to utter shock to shaming the publication for pandering to social media gimmicks.

Now, whether or not Kim Kardashian deserved her cover spot is neither here nor there (she's already solidified in ink, so you will have to deal). What's really worth noting here is Kanye West and the $5 proof of the power of persistence.

The adage "Ask and ye shall receive" is easy to regurgitate, but difficult to take for face value. How can it be that easy? It's not, but Kanye West proves time and time again that it is possible. In addition to pushing his own music and fashion agenda, he's been steadily lobbying for Kim Kardashian to get her "dream come true."

A very pregnant Kim was his date at the 2013 Met Ball, amidst the swirl of rumors stating she was deliberately not invited. She was there in all her floral couch print glory. There have been reports that he's cornered Anna Wintour at a Beverly Hills hotel to talk her ear off. That may or may not be true, but knowing Ye, it's highly believable. Last October, he vented to Ryan Seacrest about Kim deserving a shot and his dismay for her being cropped out Vogue's "Best Dressed" gallery. "There’s no way Kim Kardashian shouldn’t be on the cover of Vogue," he protested. "She’s like the most intriguing woman right now. She’s got Barbara Walters calling her like everyday … and collectively we’re the most influential with clothing. No one is looking at what President Obama is wearing. Michelle Obama cannot Instagram a bikini pic like what my girl Instagrammed the other day… so it’s to say when we are there and editor-in-chief of French Vogue, Carine Roitfeld, supports my girl, that’s a breakthrough.”

Now, Wintour released a statement to the public saying that no, Kanye didn't persuade her to give Kim a cover. Kim earned it because of her heavy social influence (and the heavily anticipated KimYe wedding on the horizon). Right, right, right. I'm sorry, but I refuse to believe that Kanye's gift of gab had nothing to do with it. That's not necessarily a bad thing.
Kanye West is the walking definition of "not taking no for an answer." That's admirable. While sometimes Ye's delivery goes down like Buckley's cough mixture (*shudders*), his persistence is often what gets results. He has drive and a vision that he will stick to no matter how blind his target audience pretends to be. If people used that unbreakable backbone approach, sure some people will be a little annoyed in the process at first, but having your goal actualized is a feeling you wouldn't know otherwise. You technically can't say they didn't earn this cover. Kanye made like a business and courted his client until he closed the deal. Message!

Kudos to Kanye for not only being a supportive friend/spouse-to-be, but for once again putting the idea of "working hard for what you believe in" in the forefront. I leave you with words from Ye himself:


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